Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Buffet is indeed a buffet..a buffet of and brunette..long and shaved..slim and round..all can taste them one by one if you like..and if you request there's a galore of private albums to's like a shopping mall for a one night can see their faces..and also their body..even the private bits..what's on offer..hehehe

The thing is..even with the buffet some looks edible and some don't..and then meeting for coffee they either click or they don't..coffees are fine..bed is another matter..ehhehe

So to date I have met a few..mostly for coffees..not traditional coffees..don't like sitting down to talk..I like to go for walks in the park..or's nice to have someone to help you push the trolley..ehehhe have also been grocery shopping too..helps break the ice..

It's good for connections I guess..I now know a muso..a music teacher..a store man..a fork lift driver..a manager..a car dealer who have offered me a job with what the job description is?
a dessert chef..a builder..a truck driver..oh and the newest one an ATM installer...a data analyst..and whatever else..eheheh

Anyhow it's fun to long as they behave..:)

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